Unlocking Green Investment and Creating Climate Resilience for Kenya’s Secondary Municipalities

The Sustainable Urban Economic Development (SUED) Programme, funded by the UK Government and managed by Tetra Tech International Development, was established to support twelve fast-growing secondary municipalities across Kenya to attract investment for critical climate-smart value chain and infrastructure projects. Open Capital (OCA), served as an investment attraction advisor for SUED, leading development and support for a range of green investments in two municipalities, Isiolo and Malindi. Over three years, we worked closely with local municipal government, private sector companies, investors, and other experts to identify, structure, and support green investments. This work demonstrated the critical need for sustainable, climate-resilient urban development at the municipal level in Africa, and resulted in many important learnings that can improve future investments in similar areas in Kenya and across Africa.

Click Here to read more about the lessons learned from this programme.


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