MCE Social Capital - Applied Blended Finance in Africa: MCE’s Empowering Sustainable Agriculture ‘MESA’ Fund

Open Capital supported MCE Social Capital in developing their strategy leading to their new MESA fund, a 9-year close-ended fund to enhance economic opportunities, bolster climate resilience among smallholder farmers, and empower women in the agricultural sector in Africa and emerging markets. This innovative finance model, blending catalytic and commercial capital, aligns with Open Capital's mission to advance Africa's economies. Open Capital worked closely with MCE, offering insights into local small businesses and financial products, constructing a robust financial model, and helping secure lead investors during due diligence. Significant interest in the fund showcases the effectiveness of this approach, and Open Capital anticipates more funds like this will emerge, driving impact in critical areas like climate action, gender equality, food security, and education in frontier markets.  

Click HERE to learn more from a case study by Alexander Burtenshaw and Andreas Zeller


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