Gender Smart Approaches

We aim to improve gender equity & women empowerment across sectors of Sub-Saharan African economies by integrating gender smart approaches in business operations and investment decisions. 

Our vision

At OCA, we fundamentally believe that women play an integral part in building African economies; their empowerment is thus critical to its growth. Our vision over the next decade is to see women-owned/led businesses (WSMEs) achieve their full potential as well as gender fully integrated in assessing companies’ performance and in making investment decisions.

This vision cannot be achieved without the ecosystem actively working together to strengthen the business case for gender and unlock more gender smart capital. Organizations such as 2X Global play a critical role in bringing the ecosystem together to foster better collaboration and share knowledge on what is working and isn’t. 

We have joined our voice to the conversation to drive the charge towards a more inclusive and prosperous future by sharing our learnings from the front lines working with hundreds of WSMEs and dozen of investors on the continent on topics addressing both capital demand and supply side challenges and recommendations. 

What we do

Recognizing the gap between talk and action, we work to close the gaps that limit Sub-Saharan African countries’ economic & societal potential in three main ways:

  • We drive the growth of African WSMEs by supporting them to raise capital, strengthen and scale their operations

  • We help companies integrate gender smart approaches across their business model for better financial and social returns

  • We support investors to design and implement gender-lens investment strategies for better financial and social returns

Examples of our engagements

Learn more about our work