Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

We contribute to improving sustainable access to water, sanitation and associated hygiene across the African continent, by supporting innovative interventions by and between businesses, non-profit organizations, funders and government agencies.

Our vision

Addressing the currently inadequate access to quality water and sanitation services by urban and rural populations across Africa requires reimagination of the status quo and repurposing of market structures. We serve to champion compelling solutions to these challenges and the opportunities that they present, particularly through collaboration and synergy between various actors. In doing so, we aim to ensure enhanced quality of life and public health safeguards alongside achievement of eventual return on investment.

What we do

  • We help enterprise clients to develop and validate innovative strategies towards addressing unfulfilled market requirements and to mobilise the resources required to support their execution

  • We identify and spotlight investment opportunities across the WASH economy for public and private sector funders, supporting design and execution of novel investment facilities and interventions

  • We offer researched evidence and thought leadership that contribute to informing improved industry practices and sector policy reform

Examples of our engagements

Learn more about our work