How can and – when should – SMEs access the carbon credit market? – Exploring opportunities for financing through carbon credits

Carbon credits financing has gained attention as companies seek project funding. The voluntary carbon market (VCM) allows companies to raise funds by selling carbon credits. However, many companies struggle with understanding the eligibility requirements, the process, and the economic potential of this market.

Open Capital is pleased to have organized a workshop in partnership E4I and The Carbon Trust as part of the Energy Catalyst Accelerator Program (ECAP) by Energy Catalyst. This workshop aimed to empower companies with the necessary knowledge to actively engage in the VCM.

In this blog, we delve into a discussion on various aspects pertaining to carbon credits including project eligibility, the registration process, key market players, considerations prior to obtaining carbon credits, and emerging trends. Our aim is to equip companies interested in participating in the VCM with a comprehensive understanding of the factors they should consider.

Read the full blog here.